
I’m Jesse and I have a pretty good life. It isn’t that I’m particularly special; I just try to do the most with what’s available. I have a job I love (or at least I don’t completely hate it all the time), an amazing girlfriend (hereafter referred to as Seven), some great friends, and overall, my main interest is in living for a living.

There have been a lot of ups and downs over the last few years. In March of 2009, I was laid off from a terrible job I’d been floating along in for just shy of three years and couldn’t have been happier about it. I knew it wasn’t going to change and, because of how much it sucked, I didn’t want it to.

It was time to evolve, adapt or die. I figured out what I wanted to work toward, how to do it, and then did it. There were no more excuses; I was completely responsible for rebuilding everything. That responsibility meant an opportunity to move toward exactly what I wanted to do. During that time, I decided to push myself outside of my comfort zone as much as I could.

I learned a lot about pushing myself and overcoming the chaos that comes from being pushed into unfamiliar territory. Creating order from that chaos and making it work for me is one of the most important skills I’ve ever picked up. I’ve used it many times to do many different things.

This blog serves as a chronicle of things that I want to accomplish, which I’m referring to as The List. Some are things I can do in a weekend, some will take years. Some are just half-formed ideas, some are fully developed with complete plans of attack. All of them are things I’m going to (not just hoping to) check off the list.

If you’re reading this, I hope you’ll get inspired to challenge yourself and try something new.

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