Author Archives: Jesse

Starting Point: Visit every state

When you decide you’re going to work toward something, you should probably figure out what you have to start with. Think about what resources you have available and how far you actually have to go to reach that goal. The Starting Point posts will be about just that, taking stock.

Seven and I were discussing our upcoming trip to Idaho to visit my parents. She mentioned that it’ll be another place she’s never been before and so we started discussing the places we’ve visited. It reminded me that one of the goals on The List is to visit all 50 states. I’m not talking about just driving through or killing an airport layover on the way to somewhere else, I’m talking about making a point to have at least one destination within each state.

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Filed under Starting Points, Travel

The Quest For Less (of me)

The morning of September 26, 2011, I stepped on a bathroom scale for the first time in longer than I care to remember. The number that showed up was a lot higher than I’d expected.

This isn’t going to be some melodrama about how I made a decision then and there to change my ways. That decision had been made quite some time ago. This day was my initial weigh in to see what I was starting with. I’d already figured out where I wanted to be and what I was going to do to get there.  This morning, just over two months later, my morning weigh-in was 40lb less than it was when I started. It’s a pretty good start but there’s a long way to go.

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Filed under Health and Physical, Planning and Productivity

What’s your excuse?

Just over a year ago, I wrote a short article for another site about making excuses. Now, it’s time to revise and expand on that article as the springboard from which I can launch this entire project.

Excuses. Much like opinions and assholes, everyone has them and, yes, they all stink.

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Filed under Philosophy